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Capability Enhancement Scheme

Competitive exams provide students entry into many study-courses that are career-oriented. While these exams test the students’ knowledge of the subjects they study, they also check their skills in many other areas that are not necessarily part of the curriculum. The specialised training required to attempt and perform successfully in these entrance exams is imparted very often by in-house faculty who are qualified to do so. The departments or college also arranges for external faculty to conduct training courses to equip the students with the skills to get through these highly competitive exams.

The following are some of the many competitive entrance exams that our students attempt for which we provide training:

  • Bank Probationary Officer, Clerical & Short Service Commission, Life Insurance Corporation, Global Insurance Corporation, Railways Entrance Examination Training
  • Campus Recruitment Training
  • Common Admission Test (CAT), Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT), Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP) Training Program
  • Training on National Eligibility Test/State Level Eligibility Test/Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)
    Civil Services

In a market driven economy, education is more often than not a stepping stone to a career and a means of earning a livelihood. At the same time, young students who enter college lack the advantage of age or experience to make informed decisions regarding academic courses and career choices. With a view to assist them get clarity in the matter, the college provides students career counselling right from admission through the three years of education.

Career Counselling is conducted by various departments who bring in resource persons, agencies, institutions and industry representatives to interact with students. Students get the opportunity to undergo tests that gauge their aptitude based on which they can choose future options. The placement cell is another body within the college that helps students apply for suitable jobs that suit their abilities and skills.

MCC’s mission – Empowering Women – is an important factor that informs and influences the selection and implementation of many co-curricular and extracurricular courses. In addition to a strong academic foundation, we consider the development and honing of soft skills integral to the learning process. Globally, it is a matter of concern that people who have impeccable subject knowledge often fail to conduct themselves as ethical and responsible individuals and lack a civic sense. The soft skills courses are designed to overcome this deficit. MCC offers a range of such courses that help students understand Social and Work Ethics, Interpersonal Skills & Etiquette, Time Management and Team Dynamics. Students can also avail of courses that hone their Communication Skills, both spoken as well as written, Problem Solving Skills and help to build confidence. All these soft skills are aimed at inculcating students with personal attributes that will help them conduct themselves effectively in both social and work environments.

Remedial Coaching in all subjects is conducted throughout the academic year by the teaching faculty for those students who are identified as requiring extra help to cope with their academic programs. Apart from the regular remedial coaching following tests and exams, the faculty also caters to on-demand sessions by individuals and groups of students at any time during the semester. Sessions are usually conducted after regular classes.

Peer coaching is also part of remedial coaching. Students with higher cognitive skills are roped in to help classmates keep up with what is done in class and also with tests and exams. Teachers maintain a register of students attending remedial classes and follow up regularly on the progress they make.

The Language Lab is a well-equipped facility with ’Orell – iTell’ language lab software premium version installed. This special software enables a student to learn Sanskrit, Hindi, Kannada, English and German. A highly effective method of language teaching is employed here. A language student will be exposed to native speakers in order to get a more meaningful education.

It has facilities to enable a one-to-one learning experience for a student who gets exclusive attention from a teacher via instructions sent to her on the desktop. Her responses to the language exercises are constantly monitored and responded to, making this kind of new language learning more effective and productive.

All the systems are fitted with softwares that help both in English and other second language learning. Batches of students attend either regular or remedial classes in the lab where they have access to independent computer systems with audio accessories to assist the learning process.

This facility is often used to conduct bridge courses in a language. First-time learners of a language get personalised attention and enjoy interactive sessions that help them pick up the intricacies of a language faster.

As the name suggests, a Bridge Course, is a course that helps a student prepare to take on the challenges of college education. A college education, with its focus on select subjects can be a daunting task since it involves an intense and in-depth curriculum built around a particular field of knowledge. Many new students are overwhelmed by such a prospect, particularly if the subject they have opted to study is not something they have basic knowledge of.

A bridge course is designed to help students get a quick but effective exposure to a realm of knowledge; it is in effect a crash course serving to brace the student with some foundational information that introduces the student to the trajectory that a program is likely to take. Many departments in college have a bridge course which serves to introduce basic concepts and requirements of a subject’s study to a student.

These courses are conducted right at the commencement of the academic year to prepare the student for the rigors required of the longer program. Many language departments conduct bridge courses for students who may feel anxious about being thrown headfirst into a college life with no skills in understanding and communicating in a particular language. The Department of English, for instance, often conducts a spoken English bridge course for students from non-English medium background to help them cope with the language in which instruction will take place. it will also help these students communicate with fellow students and fit into college life.

Yoga and meditation are disciplines, the practice of which helps to connect the body and mind and thereby ensures both mental as well as physical health of an individual. In a technology-driven world, where most young people live sedentary lifestyles, limiting all activity to the operation of electronic gadgets like the computer and mobile phones, it is imperative that physical exercise becomes an integral part of education.

It is with this objective in mind that Mount Carmel College includes Yoga and Meditation as part of its students’ lives and activities. Almost all departments in college have at one point or the other hosted a yoga and meditation course as part of their co-curricular activities. These courses have been conducted by both internal and external professional trainers and are open to both students and teachers. In addition to these, the Centre for Extended Education (CEE) also regularly conducts yoga courses as part of its many certificate courses.

This course is popular with both students and teachers and has been reported to benefit the physical and mental condition of participants. Yoga is a great stress reliever and helps its practitioners to rejuvenate and get back to daily hectic routines with renewed vigour and energy. This course is offered for a minimal, affordable fee and has many people enrolled at any given time.


Yoga and Meditation Session

Yoga and MeditationDepartment of Psychology
Yoga CampDepartment of Commerce, PG
Guided Meditation SessionDepartment of Human Development
Workshop on ZumbaDepartment of Business Studies
Simulation – Tap the Power of the Subconscious MindDepartment of Business Studies
Yoga – Credit CourseCentre for Extended Education
Yoga CampNSS

For further details the following link can be accessed:

Our most important stakeholders are the students themselves. They are a large body of youngsters who are at a stage in life where they are psychologically and emotionally fragile. Concerns like sexuality, identity, academic demands and peer pressure often take a toll on the youth. For this reason, the college has counsellors on the campus on all working days.

They are available in person and throughout the working hours. Students are made aware of their presence and availability during orientation. The counsellors’ rooms are located in a quiet and pleasant part of the college campus – Mother of Carmel Block – conducive to the nature of their work.

Both staff and students can avail of counselling services. Mentors, who are responsible for monitoring their wards’ progress, direct them to the counsellors when the need arises. The counsellors maintain strict confidentiality where information regarding their clients is concerned.

Counsellors Contact Details

Ms. Sindhu David

MOC block – First floor and Second Floor

Timings – 8.00 am – 4.00 pm

Placement Policy & Guidelines for Students

The Placement Policy is applicable to all students registered with the Placement Cell of Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, and is to be followed during their entire tenure at the college.

  1. The Placement Officer & the Placement Coordinator are the facilitators and counsellors for placement related activities and will be responsible for all concerned activities & functioning of the Placement Cell.
  2. The Student Placement Committee will be assisting the Placement Officer & the Placement Coordinator in all activities related to placements.
  3. Neither the College nor the Placement Cell guarantees a job. The Placement Cell will facilitate and coordinate the placement activities on campus including bringing in companies, coordinating the recruitment drives, organizing recruitment training and other related activities leading to the successful placements of the deserving students.
  4. Applying for a company, getting recruited, joining a company is entirely the responsibility/decision of the student concerned.
  5. Opting to register for placements is completely the choice of the students. As some would want to pursue higher studies or other opportunities, such students can refrain from registering with the Placement Cell.
  6. Students are required to check the ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA for registering with the Placement Cell before registering.
  7. All final year students with an aggregate score of 60% and above and with NO ACTIVE BACKLOGS are eligible to register for placements.
  8. All registered students are required to MANDATORILY attend the recruitment training conducted by the Placement Cell and meet the necessary threshold of 75% attendance and 80% completion of the practice tests & assessments to qualify for applying to the cos. Failing to qualify may result in re-training of the student at an additional cost which is to be borne at actuals by the concerned student.
  9. The Placement Cell will notify all the registered students about the upcoming recruitment drives through mails and Whatsapp group notifications and not individually. The students are to be alert and keep a track of the notifications and apply as per their interest and eligibility.
  10. Once a student registers/enrolls for a particular company, she is expected to complete the entire recruitment process as relevant and required. Failing to do so, will result in the student being debarred from sitting for further recruitment drives. Exceptions will be made at the sole discretion of the Placement Cell only in genuine cases. Such cases/reasons to be formally communicated to the Placement Office over mail at least one day prior to the drive.
  11. The student has a choice not to participate in the recruitment process of a company after attending the Pre-Placement Talk. If she decides to continue, then she will be bound by the College Placement Policy to attend the rest of the recruitment process of the company as stated above.
  12. Students will not be allowed to participate in the selection process of a company for which she has missed the PPT.
  13. While the Placement Cell will do its due diligence and bring in the right companies, it is the responsibility of every student to check the company profile, eligibility, Job Profile and the Job Role before applying. The same will also be mailed and/or updated on the Notice Boards or social media groups.
    a. Ex 1- If a company requires the applicant to have an average of 70%, be well assured that you meet the criteria before applying to that company.
    b. Ex 2- If the company requires you to have NO standing arrears/backlogs at the time of attending the placement process, kindly DO NOT APPLY to the company if you do not meet this criterion.
  14. If, after being selected by a company, for some reason the student is not satisfied either with the pay, the timings, work allotted, etc during onboarding, she will need to take it up with the concerned within the company. The Placement Cell will not be able to intervene in internal matters. However, it is important that the students reach out to us in case there are major deviations from the terms mentioned by the company at the time of recruitment.
  15. A student can apply to as many companies as she wants and appear for interviews until the first job is secured. A student will be considered to have secured a job if her name appears in the final select list of a company.
  16. The Placement Office of MCC follows a strict “ONE OFFER PER STUDENT” Policy. However, if a student has been offered a job with a CTC less than or equal to INR 2 lakhs PA, she can opt to apply for ONE more company, subject to prior formal approval by the Placement Office.
  17. Once a student’s name appears in the final selects of a company, it is obligatory for the student to accept the offer. Rejecting offers is strictly not allowed. Defaulters will be required to submit a letter to the Principal along with a penalty fee which could be equivalent to one month’s salary being offered by the said company.
  18. Recruitment Process: All companies generally follow the following procedure (however they could be exceptions) –
    a. Presentation about the company & Job Profile (Pre-Placement Talk)
    b. Written Exam (Aptitude / Technical Test)
    c. Group Discussion and/or Task (Assignments)
    d. Interview (Technical/HR/Others)
    e. Verification of Documents
    f. Offer Letter
  19. Students are to strictly ensure the following for all recruitment drives:
    a. Must report on time as mentioned in the schedules
    b. Wear Business Formals for every recruitment process. Students wearing casuals during recruitment process will be sent back
    c. Always carry one folder containing resumes (2-3 copies), passport size photos, copies of mark sheets, certificates & stationery
    d. Compulsorily carry College & Govt. ID Cards
  20. Most companies require applicants to have Govt. ID – Aadhar & PAN. Hence it is advised for all students to apply for these before registering for placements.
    Students are not allowed to contact the Company / HR team directly for any reason through the recruitment process. In case of any issues or concerns, they are advised to contact their Placement Office and discuss their problems.
  21. Strict action will be taken against students found to be engaged in maligning the College or the Placement Office with the companies. Any grievances you may have, are to be brought to the notice of the of the Placement Officer for resolution.
  22. If a student makes any false claims in the Resume/Student Registration Form, her registration will be cancelled immediately and job offer if any, will be revoked.
  23. All companies conduct a thorough background check/verification. If the company finds that you have manipulated your marks / documents in any manner/or mis-represented any information, your job offer will be terminated, and your name will be blacklisted.
  24. Strict discipline needs to be followed by every student during the recruitment process. Any sort of indecent behavior/misbehavior which affects the decorum of the Placement Cell or the reputation of the College or the Company, will attract severe penalty and disqualification.
  25. Unless explicitly permitted by the companies, use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited during the recruitment process.
  26. Malpractice in all forms or marking proxies during the selection process and beyond, is strictly prohibited and those caught indulging in such activities would be debarred from the placement process. Also, note that no concessions in any form shall be made in such cases.
  27. It may happen that the campus recruitment process can stretch till late evenings. Students are required and prepared to be available accordingly. In case of off-line drives, students are to inform their parents and should arrange their own transportation.
  28. In case of virtual (online) recruitment drives, it is the responsibility of the students to ensure they have the necessary equipment (laptop/PC with functional webcam and mic) and sufficient internet bandwidth for seamless conduction of the process.
  29. Students are required to provide correct email IDs and contact numbers at the time of registration. These will be used for all communication from the Placement Cell and the recruiting companies. The onus is on the students to ensure the contact details provided are correct and up to date.
  30. Students are advised to check their mails regularly as all communication related to placements will be sent through mails.
  31. It is mandatory that once you receive an Intent Letter/Offer Letter from the Company, a copy must be submitted to the Placement Office. Failing which, the end semester examination Hall Ticket/results will be withheld.
  32. All students registered for placements will be bounded by the Attendance Policy of the College. Any exception to the above is permitted only through formal approval of the Placement Office and the respective Department Heads.


For all matters not covered in the above policy, the Placement Office will use its discretion to take appropriate decisions as and when required.

The above guidelines are to ensure a smooth process in the best interest of our students and the participating companies.

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