Crafting a Career in Biological Sciences

Panel Discussion on “Crafting a Career in Biological Sciences” was conducted in association with the dept. of Life Science. Was conducted on 19th March 2024 to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The panellists were –

  • Dr. Sudha Rao, Executive Director, Genotypic Technology
  • Dr. Sonia Sen, Senior Scientist, TIGS, GKVK Campus
  • Dr. Anuradha Singh, Founder and Director. Aaryagen Seeds & Technologies Private Ltd.
  • Dr. Shwetha Shivaprasad, Ramanujam Fellow, JNCASR

Applications of Phyloinformatics in Systematics and Evolution

In association with the dept. of Botany, CLDT organised a three-day workshop on “Applications of Phyloinformatics in Systematics and Evolution” – A hands on Training Program between 10th to 12th January, 2024. Senthil Kumar U, Assistant Professor from Department of Botany, Madras Christian College was the resource person. Around 30 postgraduate students from Mount Carmel College and from various other colleges across Bengaluru participated in the workshop.

  • Day 1: Importance of DNA barcodes in authentication of herbal drugs, followed by a lecture on phylogenetic methods and its principle. Students were trained to carry out Neighbour joining and UPGMA analysis using MEGA software.
  • Day 2: Introduction on how phylogenetic tools can be used for understanding the stories of evolution. Students learned about character-based method of phylogenetic tree construction using PAUP and raxML.
  • Day 3: Introduction to Bayesian Phylogenetic analysis using Mr. Bayes and character evolution analysis using Mesquite software.

Pedagogical Approaches to Enhance Teaching and Learning

Faculty Development Program on “Pedagogical Approaches to Enhance Teaching and Learning” – 24th August 2023 to 30th August 2023

The Faculty Development Program intended to develop various strategies pertaining to teaching for effectively improving the process of teaching-learning by discussing major concepts and practices. The outcome of this programme was to bring about a healthy enhancement in the academic and intellectual environment at institution.

  • 24th Aug’ 2023 – “Learning Management System: All in one Platform for Learning” – Dr. Regina L Suganthi, Registrar Admissions, Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, Bengaluru.
  • 26th Aug’ 2023 (Session 1) – “Enabling Inquiry-Based, Student-Centric Learning in the 21st Century Classroom” – Dr. Susan Philip, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, St. Joseph University, Bengaluru.
  • 26th Aug’ 2023 (Session 2) – “Rhizomatic Pedagogy and Collaborative Learning Practices in Higher Education” – Dr. Priya K Nair, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, St. Teresa’s College, Autonomous Ernakulam, Kerala.
  • 28th Aug’2023 – “Artificial Intelligence Tools for Teaching and Learning” – Dr. P. Thiyagarajan, Dean of Research, Head and Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperumbudur, Chennai.
  • 29th Aug’2023 – “Tools to Enhance e-content Development” – Dr. Gunjan Mohan Sharma, Professor & Associate Dean, O P Jindal National Business School, O.P. Jindal University, Sonipat, Haryana.
  • 30th Aug’2023 – “Learning Needs Assessment and Achieving Sustainable Education through SDGs” – Mr. Stephen Deepak, Faculty, School of Management, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru.

The session enabled teachers to master a repertoire of instructional methods and strategies to ensure good and effective teaching and enabled them to recognize and imbibe the proficiencies and qualities of good teacher.

Faculty Induction Program – 2023

24th July 23 –

  • Overview of the Institution – Sr. Albina, Director
  • Vision and Mission – Dr. George Lekha, Principal
  • Code of Conduct – Dr. Charmaine Jerome, Dean of Student Affairs

25th July 2023

  • Leave and Permission – Dr. Regina L Suganthi, Registrar Admissions
  • Research Facilities – Dr. Kavitha Singh, Dean of Research and Publications

26th July 2023

  • Placement Cell – Mr. Asgar F Ahmed, Placement Officer
  • Counselling – Ms. Sindhu David, Counsellor
  • Library Facilities – Ms. Shobha N K, Selection Grade Librarian

27th July 2023“Higher Education Policies and NEP Guidelines” – Dr. Suma Singh, Registrar Academics

28th July 2023Exam Regulations – Prof. Raghu V N, Dean, School of Commerce

Faculty Orientation Programme – 2023

The Centre for Learning and Development and Training (CLDT) at Mount Carmel College organized a highly impactful faculty orientation program from 22nd June to 28th June 2023. This comprehensive program aimed to equip faculty members with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles as educators.

22nd June 2023 – Message by Sr. Albina, Director, MCC.

23rd June 2023“Changing Landscape of Higher Education in India” – Dr. Suma Singh, Registrar Academics, MCC.

26th June 2023

  • “Developing a Future Workforce in the Age on AI Powered Digital Transformation” – Mr. Philip Varughese, Global Head, DXC Technology, Bengaluru.
  • Research Activities – Dr. Kavitha Singh, Dean of Research and Publications, MCC.
  • MCCIE Activities – Dr. Shanthi. S, Dean of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, MCC.
  • POSH – Sexual Harassment – Ms. Sindhu David, Counsellor, MCC.
  • “Effective Mentoring: The Need of the Hour” – Dr. Swarnalatha Iyer, Consultant Psychologist, Director, Seshan’s Academy Infinity, Bengaluru.

28th June 2023

  • “Biodiversity a Way Forward” – Dr. Ramakrishna, Former Director, Zoological Survey of India, Board of Governors, Wildlife Institute of India, Bengaluru.
  • “Ethics: A Way Towards Sustainability” – Dr. Helen Roselene, Head, Dept of Environmental Science, MCC.
  • “Case Study Analysis as an Effective Pedagogy Tool” – Ms. Smitha Hemmigae, Head of Marketing at ANSR, Social Entrepreneur, Founder – Belakoo Trust, Bengaluru.
  • “Role of Interpersonal Relationship in Mental Health and Happiness” – Ms. Manika Gosh, Director, Education and Training, Eudaimonic Centre for Positive Change and Wellbeing, Bengaluru.

INSA organized Golden Jubilee Commemoration Award

INDIAN NATIONAL SCIENCE ACADEMY (INSA) LOCAL CHAPTER, BENGALURU organized as award lecture for the Golden Jubilee Commemoration Medal for Chemical Sciences (2022) on 03 April, 2023 2:00P M to the awardee and speaker Prof. TUSHAR KANTI CHAKRABORTY in the Auditorium, PG Centre, Mount Carmel College. The introductory note covered the framework of INSA and the background of the award, followed by the introduction of the Awardee and speaker Prof. Tushar Kanti Chakraborty, and then continued into a brief citation reading, followed by the presentation of the award and the lecture by Prof Chakraborty titled ‘Natural Products, Our Body, Mind and Well-Being’ which coursed into an interactive question-answer session. The award lecture was an enlightening and inspiring experience to the audience.

Chalking out an Effective MOOC Proposal

Online education has proven to be a valuable tool in the recent years. Massive Open Online Course known as MOOC’s have been a very useful tool for educators. An online workshop was organized by the Centre for Learning, Development and Transformation on 9th December 2022, addressing the process of ‘Chalking out an Effective MOOC proposal’ delivered by Dr Ajay Semalty, Assistant Professor from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, of H.N.B Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand. The session covered different aspects of formulating a proposal right from objectives, syllabus, outcomes, multimedia involvement and the like to help our in-house faculty to venture into the task of proposing an useful and efficient MOOC proposal.

Faculty Enrichment Programme with IQAC

Venue : DJB Auditorium

Time : 9 AM to 12. 30 PM

Common Session

CLDT in association with IQAC organised a Faculty Enrichment Programme 2022 on 24th Sep 2022, Saturday. The topic of the main session was “Curriculum Designing based on the National Educational Policy 2022, speaker was Professor K Ramachandran. He explained the NEP 2020 and its focus on building application-based skills in the youth of today. He explained the four major guidelines behind the National Educational Policy. The first guideline of NEP is to identify the unique capability of the student and bring about holistic development. This means that the human capacity needs to be developed in all domains: intellectual, aesthetic, physical, ethical, moral and social. To accomplish this, there needs to be multidisciplinary level of study that is done regularly in colleges. This is the second guideline – ensuring flexibility in the college curriculum. By breaking down the rigid barrios between sections of study and integrating the different fields of science, humanities and commerce, the holistic growth of the student is greater. Concepts of morality and value- based living should be included within the curriculum and it should also have community service programmes. If social responsibility is not taught at the educational level, then the students grow into adults who have no value for the world they live in.

Session for Commerce, Humanities and Management Studies

A session on Content Development for Effective Learning Engagement was held for Faculty Members from Commerce, Humanities and Management Studies on leading speaker for the session, Mr Pratapaditya Chakravarty, Global Director of Talent Development of HCL State Street Services in Bengaluru. He discussed about the different models of learning. One such was the ARCS model of motivation developed by John Keller which is based upon the idea that there are four key elements in the learning process which can encourage and sustain learners’ motivation. He also mentioned Robert Gagne’s model of instructional design, an information processing model of the mental events that occur when adults are presented with various stimuli. It focuses on learning outcomes and how to arrange specific instructional events to achieve those outcomes.

Session for Science

A session on “Out – come based education” was held for faculty members from Science by Dr. Regina L Suganthi, Dean of PG Science, Mount Carmel College, Autonomous. She discussed about the POs, PSOs, and COs and Blooms taxonomy. It was helpful to frame the PSOs for the departments. There will be a follow up session for the same.

Training on Reference Manager – EndNote


  1. MTB block Simulation lab (Mendeley) -9th April 2022
  2. B.Sc. Computer Science Lab (End Note)-22nd April 2022

Time : 10 AM – 12 AM

Research Centre & CLDT in collaboration with IQAC had organized a training Programme for the Faculty members on Reference Manager-Mendeley and End Note Software on the 9th & 23rd of April 2022 respectively. The resource Person was Dr. Ramya G Rao, Principal Scientist, Research Desk (ReD) for the Mendeley Software and Dr. Manjula K R, Professor and Research Vertical Head, School of Applied Sciences, REVA University for End Note Software. The training has helped our faculty to understand the reference manager software’s and has helped them to use the software to collect references, store and organize citations, and create bibliographies. Thirty-one (31) and Twenty-two (22) faculty members attended the training programme on usage of Mendeley, and End note software respectively.

Ethics in Research

A Talk on Cut – Copy – Paste – Repeat: Understanding Ethics in Research

Seminar for PG Humanities Students on Ethics in Research was conducted on 26th March 2022 by Ms. Pooja Mini, a guest faculty in the Department of Public Policy. The main theme of the seminar was plagiarism in research under which the topics discussed were the types of plagiarism, reasons for which plagiarism is an inappropriate practice, ways to avoid plagiarism and the importance of citations and referencing in research work. Simply put, plagiarism is the practice of using another individual’s work presented as one’s own work without giving due credit to that individual or source from which one takes ideas or data from. Plagiarism could consist of different levels such as,

  • Simply copy-pasting every word of the source of information used into one’s own research work.
  • Adding partly copy-pasted content and explaining some parts of the research report in one’s own language.
  • Using a combination of own explanations and copy-pasted content alternatively with each subsequent sentence.

While an accepted level of plagiarism is 10%, a plagiarism level beyond this is considered unethical. The speaker also provided the students with various tips to avoid having plagiarism in their work such as:

  1. Keeping a note of materials that are being referred to for putting down content in one’s own research article such as the name of the author, source and title of the document.
  2. Make a matrix of the various themes or research objectives that one would like to carry out a study on and put down the sources or articles that addresses each of these themes.
  3. Putting literature under quotations wherever we tend to extract 5 continuous words excluding prepositions from a particular source or article and citing the quotations with the page numbers in the particular journal.
  4. Using softwares to cite or put down references of articles.
  5. Mentioning the source of original datasets represented in tables and mentioning the name of the researcher if primary data from a particular source has been used.

The speaker also spoke about the importance of referencing as a tool to avoid plagiarism including citing previous work done by researcher himself when such work has been referred to. The speaker provided students with useful softwares that can help them cite articles and for referencing. Overall, the session was extremely informative and presented by the speaker in simple language for students to easily understand and apply in their own dissertation and future research assignments.