In association with the dept. of Botany, CLDT organised a three-day workshop on “Applications of Phyloinformatics in Systematics and Evolution” – A hands on Training Program between 10th to 12th January, 2024. Senthil Kumar U, Assistant Professor from Department of Botany, Madras Christian College was the resource person. Around 30 postgraduate students from Mount Carmel College and from various other colleges across Bengaluru participated in the workshop.
- Day 1: Importance of DNA barcodes in authentication of herbal drugs, followed by a lecture on phylogenetic methods and its principle. Students were trained to carry out Neighbour joining and UPGMA analysis using MEGA software.
- Day 2: Introduction on how phylogenetic tools can be used for understanding the stories of evolution. Students learned about character-based method of phylogenetic tree construction using PAUP and raxML.
- Day 3: Introduction to Bayesian Phylogenetic analysis using Mr. Bayes and character evolution analysis using Mesquite software.