The workshop titled “Hands on training on Banana and Tomato value added products” were attended by three staff from Department of Home Science and one staff from Department of Nutrition and Dietetics , Mount Carmel College on March 8th to 10th , 2022 sponsored by CLDT. Aim of the workshop included:
- Hands on experience in the processing of banana flour and tomato powder.
- To develop various nutritious product using banana flour and tomato powder.
Institute : ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural research
Date : 8th March, 2022 to 10th March, 2022
Time : 9:30am – 5:30pm
Venue : BESST HORT/ Post Harvest Technology, Hessaraghatta, Bengaluru
Scientists (Resource Persons):
- Dr. C. K Narayana
- Dr. S. Bhuvaneshwari
- Dr. Shantha Maria (Department of Home Science)
- Dr. A.Sundravalli (Department of Home Science)
- Dr. Mary Regi (Department of Nutrition and Dietetics)
- Dr. Lakshmi Jithendran (Department of Home Science)
During the 3 day intense workshop, trainees were allowed to visit the laboratories, equipments and instruments used for processing and packaging. Day 1 started with an inaugural address by Dr.C.K .Narayana, Principal Scientist, IIHR, Bangalore. It was followed by hands on training for the processing of raw banana in to flour and its applications. An integrated theory session for the importance of fruits and vegetables and its market value was covered with the practical sessions on banana flour production. A separate practical session conducted for the preparation of ripe banana flour from various varieties of banana available in India. The day ended with the practical session on the production of different types of banana chips included sweet and spicy.
Second day started with an introduction to Sauces and Ketchups followed by the preparation of banana flour cookies and chappathis. Banana Cat’s up(ketch up) and banana jam preparation was the highlight of the day . Processing of ripe tomatoes was also taught with the production of tomato dried powder which can be used instead of real tomatoes and incorporated in gravies, rasam and soups.
Third day started with tomato and banana peel pickle making followed by tomato juice preparation. Another training session was conducted on tomato ketch up and banana tomato sauce which are the value added products high on demand in the food market. The day concluded with the valedictory function and certificate distribution. Three day workshop was a real experience for the knowledge enlightenment and practical experience for the production of value added products of banana and tomato.