- Overview
- Activities
- Highlights
- Faculty
At Mount Carmel College, Bengaluru our ideologies revolve around fine-tuning students’ critical thinking abilities and sensibilities to transform them into socially conscious and responsible individuals. Through a holistic developmental approach, our students are guided to rise to their highest potential through a cultural, scientific and pedagogical approach crafted for growth. We open the floor for deliberations and discourses and enable our students to explore myriad possibilities. We strive to ensure that they are empathetic, proactively responsible to concerns and conflicts inherent in today’s reality, and working to empower the marginalized in society.
Our collective, interdisciplinary and holistic approach equips our students to accentuate their skill sets and constantly remain inquisitive and curious as thinkers and students. Further abiding by the light of the “Civilization of Love” that is the kingdom of God, we promote our foundress, Mother Teresa of St. Rose of Lima’s visionary outlook.
- To equip students through value-based, quality-driven and holistic-oriented education with a vision to uplift society and to empower the socially and economically marginalized while simultaneously creating and fulfilling the contemporary vision of our Foundress and i.e., “Civilization of love”.
- The German Department seeks to inculcate in the students the ability to use language to appreciate our own cultures and also to negotiate the complexities of an increasingly intercultural world.
- To promote a value – based education.
- To contribute to the transformation of our society by equipping the students to transform into socially conscious and responsible citizens.
- To synergize women and the less privileged regarding their basic human rights.
- To promote intercultural and inter-religious harmony while ensuring the well-being of the families.
- To facilitate leadership quality, integral, vocational and career-oriented education by creating a collective culture for human development and educational excellence.
- To work towards sustaining the integrity of human existence and fostering interconnectedness, kinship and eco-justice.
The German Department aims to provide the students with a rigorous program, wherein they perfect their abilities to communicate and comprehend the Language- GERMAN.
Head of the Department
Ms. Lizy Wilson, M.A(lit)., C1-MMB.
Email ID :
2022 – 23
- Give me a minute? – Name of the event held by the German Department.
- Memes- Fun activity to keep the students engaged during the course of other events.
1. Workshop by Ms. Suganya from DAAD- Prospects and Job opportunity in Germany
2. Cul- Week
3. Who killed Mona-Lisa? - Bunte Melange- Tour de Länder. – Annual Intra-collegiate German and French Fest.
1. Prayer song in German during the Valedictory Programme.
2021 – 22
- Events and activies during Freshers Week
1) Light, Camera, Akt!
2) Wer singt besser? - Events during Academicia
1) Battle for the TITEL
2) Schatzsuchen – Treasure Hunt - Oktoberfest – Instagram post to enlighten Students about Oktober fest and German Culture.
- das deutsche Wörterbuch – The german dictionary( learning new words in german through Instagram stories).
2020 – 21
- Events by the German Department during Freshers Day
1) Hankspiele
2) Musik machen die Leute - Events during Academicia
1) Die Erde spricht !
2) Der Instumentalist - Workshop with Frau Kanchi Arora from DAAD- Knowing your Future in Gemany.
2019 – 20
- Bunte Melange – Annual Intra-collegiate German and French Fest.
- Ein zukunft mit der deutschen Sprachen- Workshop organized by DAAD. Conducted by Ms. Kanchi Arora-Regional Administator for DAAD.
- The art of Documentary Film making- Workshop conducted by K.R.Manoj- renowned Film Documentary maker.
- Cul-AH! Organised various events during Cul-Ah
1) Fantakshari
2) Musiquiz
3) Singtroduce - Gruselige Wortsuche – A Halloween fan activity was organized by the German Department.
- The German Department seeks to inculcate in the students the ability to use language to appreciate our own cultures and negotiate the complexities in a ever increasingly intercultural world.
- The German Department aims to provide the students with a rigorous and holistic program, wherein they perfect their abilities to read, write, understand and communicate in the language – GERMAN.
- We help the students to enhance their chances for career growth and advancement.
- Facilitate the Students to increase their ability to find their to find jobs that they desire and increase their chance to negotiate a good salary with the knowledge of German language.. Provide a better employability for the Students.

HOD & Lecturer