International Students
Mount Carmel College believes in multicultural alliances and has attracted students from different parts of the world, over the years. Our Carmelite culture has become more vibrant and colourful due to the amalgamation of students drawn from China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Thailand, Afghanistan, Germany, Fiji Islands, Bhutan, Gulf nations and many more.
We take pride in stating that the college is recognized by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and plays host to students of other developing countries on ICCR scholarships. In addition to this, several overseas students are also drawn to our institution on account of our high-quality education imparted at reasonable prices.
To ensure the seamless transition of students into the Carmelite culture, our International Students Association of MCC helps students to become acclimatized to their new environ. The Association also plays host to the International Students Day celebrations which gives everyone a peek into the many unique ethnicities and cultures of the world.
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Here are some of our International Students: