Mount Carmel College, Autonomous Kannada Department In collaboration with Karnataka Rajya Akka Mahadevi Women’s University, Vijayapura is organising an International Seminar on “Kannada Sahithya : Mahila Chintanegalu”.
College has requested Dr. H.S. Venkatesh Murthy (Renowned poet )to inagurate the function. Dr. M .S. Asha Devi (well known Kannada writer) has consented to be the Chair person and Dr. Geetha Vasanth and Smt. Archana Prakash are also invited to be the Resource persons for the seminar.
Dr. Ravish H. V. is the Chief Editor and Dr. Chetana Hegde and Smt. Anitha K.V. are the editors of ‘Kannada Sahithya : Mahila Chintanegalu’ of volume 1 and 2.