Research Promotion Policy
Research Promotion Policy
The Centre for Scientific Research and Advanced Learning has an efficient Research Advisory Committee consisting of members drawn from various streams of Science, Commerce and Humanities. The centre aims to implement specific and goal-oriented research schemes and activities to facilitate research undertaken by the faculty and students.
Constitution of Research Advisory Committee
The committee has been constituted to make core decisions on the functioning of the Research Centre. The committee consists of a chairperson, 5 Senior Faculty/ Scientists (External), 3 Senior Faculty (Internal) and a Member Secretary.
1. Policy for the functioning of the Committee
- The committee shall meet at least once a year. However, an emergency meeting can be convened by the Chairperson whenever required.
- Any changes in existing research activities shall be brought to the notice of the research committee and approval of the committee by a simple majority is mandated.
- The Chairperson of the research committee is empowered to monitor the execution of the decisions made by the advisory members and to check the progress of the research activities of the Institution.
- The chairperson is vested with powers to take all strategic decisions, corrective actions, approval of the research advisory committee, in preparing and updating policies as per rules and regulations required by zenith bodies like the UGC and NAAC as well as policies framed by our own Institution from time to time and endorsed by Governing body of the College.
2. Policy on Promotion of Academic Research
- The faculty members without Ph.D. degree must enrol for their doctoral programme.
- The faculty are encouraged to involve in multidisciplinary research cutting across various disciplines to share knowledge and widen their thinking abilities.
- It is mandatory to publish research articles and books in SCOPUS/ WEB of Science /UGC indexed journals.
- All the staff and students must ensure the quality of the publication and a prior plagiarism check before journal publications are mandatory.
- To retain and motivate faculty to contribute towards achieving the institutional research goals appreciation is provided for research outcomes: journal publications books/book chapters every year.
- Faculty members may attend 2 national conferences in one academic year. Faculty are eligible to avail the registration fee for presenting their research work in conferences.
- Sabbatical leave is provided to the permanent faculty members for a period of 1 year/ 6 months as per HR policy to pursue higher studies in research.
3. Policy on Seed Money for Internal Research
- Mount Carmel College, Autonomous is focusing on research programs and need based technology to promote Research and Development at the Institutional level. The college is extending a financial support to the faculty members to excel in their respective research area. The following Guidelines aid with the preparation and submission Project Proposals under the Management funded projects, Centre for Scientific Research and Advanced Learning. The Management desires that the faculty undertake high level, multi-disciplinary /inter disciplinary / intra disciplinary Research Projects which are useful to the community.
Major and Minor Projects
- Minor Research Project: Duration 12 months
- Major Research Project: Duration 24 months
The Submission of the Project proposal under Management funded Project is open in the month of August to September every year. The application shall be submitted in the prescribed format.
- Permanent teaching faculty of the college who has completed their probationary period.
- The Major Research Project will have one Principal Investigator & a Co-Principal Investigator.
- For minor research project, the principal investigator can opt for Co-principal Investigator if required.
- It is expected that PI and Co-PI will remain in the service of the Organization throughout the duration of the project.
Rules for grant of Seed Money
- Management funded project is as follows:
- Major Research Project- 24 months
- Minor Research Project -12 months
- The investigator must plan their work accordingly to complete the project within the stipulated time. An extra period of 2 months is given for those who seek extension.
- Funds will be released as per the request and the transfer of these funds under any other heads is strictly prohibited.
- PI shall keep separate stock registers for project funding obtained with detailed account of all types of expenditure incurred. (Equipment, consumables of all types, chemicals, glass ware, fabrication items, travel, contingency etc.)
- Corresponding bills must be submitted to the administrative staff in-charge after the approval of the Research Director.
- If the PI is not able to execute the project due to some genuine reason, the Co-PI will take over with the permission of Principal on the recommendation of research committee.
- If principal investigator fails in completing the project, she/he should reimburse the amount to college.
- The assets acquired by the project wholly substantially will belong to the institution.
- The beneficiaries of the MRP scheme who have been sanctioned a project are not eligible to take up a new project until the completion and submission of the report of the previous project.
- A progress report must be produced by the investigator every 6 months.
- The Awardees / Investigators must acknowledge the Institutional Affiliation of the Investigators.
- Management funded projects should help the faculty members to apply and obtain funding from external research funds/grants.
4. Amendments
- This policy will be reviewed periodically to rectify irregularities, if any, and to incorporate feedback received from the advisory board members of the Research Centre.